While facilities and technology are necessary and amazing, it is the women, men, and babies being served that inform what we do and how we do it. We are in the life-saving and life-changing business. When you invest in this ministry, you are investing in lives – those yet to be born and those of men and women who are desperately seeking help and hope.
You may donate in any of the following ways:
Give through our fast, safe, and secure online payment portal!
By Mail
Send your donations by mail to:
The Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford
4108 Morsay Drive
Rockford, IL 61107
Automatic Deposit
Sign up for automatic monthly or quarterly debit or credit withdrawals through our online payment portal, or by contacting Amanda at (815) 680-5107 or amanda@thepregnancycarecenter.org.
Memorials And Honor Gifts
One way to honor the memory of a loved one who has passed away or to honor a loved one still living is to make a donation in their name.
If you would like to give a gift in memory or in honor of someone, you may mail it to The Pregnancy Care Center and simply indicate if it is a memorial or honor gift and the name of the person you are honoring. We include all memorial and honor gifts in our quarterly newsletter.
Legacy Gifts
If you would like to leave an impact far beyond your life, consider giving to our endowment fund by leaving The Pregnancy Care Center in your will or estate plan.
Another option to secure the long-term mission of The Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford is to name us as a percentage beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plan assets. These assets can have both income and estate taxes due when given to family members, so many financial professionals suggest giving other assets to family. You may also be considering naming us a beneficiary in a life insurance policy.
Financial Statements
We are required to file an annual IRS 990 form. You can view this form below.